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Grille de nombres croisés niveau 6eme N° NBA01 du 16/11/2018

Grille de nombres croisés qu'il faut compléter à partir de nombres écrits en anglais.

Cliquez dans la grille pour commencer.

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Définitions de la grille N°NBA01

Définitions Horizontales

  1. fifty-sixfive hundred and forty-one
  2. one hundred and ninety-seventwo hundred and thirty-four
  3. eight hundred and ninethirteen
  4. nine hundred and ten
  5. elevenfourteen
  6. two hundred and thirty-sevenone hundred and twenty-six
  7. two thousand six hundred and fourteen
  8. seventy-eightone thousand five hundred and forty-seven

Définitions Verticales

  1. five hundred and eighteenone thousand two hundred and fifty-seven
  2. six hundred and ninetythirteen
  3. seven hundred and ninety-nineseventy-two
  4. nineteensixty-one
  5. four thousand two hundred and tenone hundred and fifteen
  6. one hundred and thirty-threeone thousand two hundred and forty-four
  7. four hundred and forty-six